06 Jan

I know, I know...the whole resolution thing sometimes seems old and tired, but there are some things to reflect upon as we start 2023. In thinking about the year or years behind us, it is worth asking ourselves, "What made me the most happy? What areas of life would I like to see improvement? How can I make my life better, more enjoyable, and just plain easier?"

Some of the answers might simply be, "I was happiest on vacation without any stress. I would like to have less clutter in my home., and I need to say, 'No' more often when asked to do things that I really don't want to do."

It's okay if the one thing you want to work on is just to be more present in your daily life for those around you. If all you do is try to race to catch your tail all day, and you are miserable, then evaluate what you can let go of in your life. Do you really need to serve on three non-profit boards? Maybe pick your favorite and let the other two go. Do you really need to do all of your errands on your own, or could you hire imPRess to do some for you? Could you sit down with your family and talk about household chores and divvy them out, so it's not all on you. At work, is your marketing plan stale and old? Then let imPRess evaluate what you are doing and make a plan for the next 6 months that revitalizes your marketing.

So, if you really don't have it in you to list 15 resolutions for the year, and feel completely overwhelmed by getting them accomplished, then just write down 3 intentions. If you get one accomplished by the end of 2023, celebrate! Cheers to the New Year!

Susan O'Brien, owner of imPRess

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